Friday, September 9, 2011

Customizing the Model Dog, continued

Back again! First of all, I am announcing Dragon Ridge Studios new website:

It features my gallery of model horse and dog customs, commission prices, and lots more! Go check it out when you're done here. :)

Now, I know I've been away from the blog yet again, but still busy with the Irish Setter custom. Here is her progress:

Right after the last blog entry, I took some more off of her feathering:

And her most recent look:

Still a long way to go, obviously.

I'm hitting the interior pocket in some spots, so I will have to go and build parts of her back up with Apoxie.

In other news, I am working on other canine projects. Here's one of them: another complete resculpt, the Breyer Labrador to a Labradoodle:

I started by going all over the Breyer Lab body with a sanding drum attachment on the dremel, taking down most of the body (and filling in gaps where needed):

(she was a funny tan color underneath!)

This is so I can build the hair back up without making her look poofy or chubby:

See what I mean? If I had simply sculpted over the existing hair texture, she would have come out with a bit of a weight problem!

Still have the paws, tail, and some other spots that need work. Then we move on to a coat color! Probably chocolate, or a color that Labradoodle fanciers call "lavender".

That's all for now, folks. Until next time!

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